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Interface IDorfNestedDefinition<T>

Definition type for the nested DORF object. Specifies how the group for the nested object should be rendered.


Type parameters

  • T


Implemented by



Optional columnsNumber

columnsNumber: undefined | number

Indicates how many columns should be rendered in a separate group for a nested object.

Optional css


Optional extras

extras: undefined | object

Additional properties which can be defined on the fly. Every property from this object would be presented directly on field metadata. Accessing them should be implemented separately, e.g. in DorfMapper extension.

Optional label

label: undefined | string

Label which should describe the field.

Optional order

order: undefined | number

Represents element index in the form.

Optional tag

tag: undefined | string

Tag is de facto a selector for the component. It allows to identify a particular component in HTML form.

Optional transparentFlow

transparentFlow: undefined | true | false

Indicates if fields from the nested object shouldn't or should be presented in a separate group.

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