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Interface IDorfGeneralCssClasses

Classes for the form (like fieldset, legend elements) and the fallback classes for fields (applicable if nowhere else defined).




[key: string]: NgDorfClassType

Classes to be used with custom templates.



Optional dorfField

dorfField: NgDorfClassType

Classes assigned to the concrete field component, under dorf-field, e.g. to dorf-input.

Optional error

Classes for the error, below the field.

Optional fieldGeneralization

fieldGeneralization: NgDorfClassType

Classes assigned to the dorf-field, which stores one of the fields at a time.

Optional fieldset

fieldset: NgDorfClassType

CSS classes for a fieldset around all the form fields.

Optional form

CSS classes for a whole form.

Optional htmlField

htmlField: NgDorfClassType

Classes for the HTML control.

Optional innerLabel

innerLabel: NgDorfClassType

Classes for a label which is around the field. Used especially with a checkbox or radio buttons.

Optional label

Classes for a label.

Optional legend

CSS classes for a legend under the fieldset.

Optional section

CSS classes for a group of DORF wrapping divs (each wrapping div contains HTML field, label and error). Classes assigned here are usually connected with a grid system (e.g. 'row' class from Bootstrap).

Optional wrapper

Classes for wrapper, which groups all field elements (label, control, error).

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