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Interface IDorfFieldCssClasses

Represents CSS classes for typical things connected with DORF field. Should be used e.g. when including DORF module.

There are various places, where CSS classes from this interface may be applied.

  1. General, DorfConfigService level - applicable only if no other styles defined
  2. Field level within the dorfFields array from DorfConfigService
  3. Definition level - the closest to the field (the highest priority)

   css: {
     wrapper: "form-group",
     error: "error-message",
     label: "control-label",
     htmlField: "form-control"
   dorfFields: [{
     tag: DorfField.CHECKBOX,
     css: {
       htmlField: "no-class",
       label: "checkbox-inline"
   }, {
     tag: DorfField.RADIO,
     css: {
       htmlField: "radio-inline",
       label: "checkbox-inline"



[key: string]: NgDorfClassType

Classes to be used with custom templates.

There are various places, where CSS classes from this interface may be applied.

  1. General, DorfConfigService level - applicable only if no other styles defined
  2. Field level within the dorfFields array from DorfConfigService
  3. Definition level - the closest to the field (the highest priority)



Optional dorfField

dorfField: NgDorfClassType

Classes assigned to the concrete field component, under dorf-field, e.g. to dorf-input.

Optional error

Classes for the error, below the field.

Optional fieldGeneralization

fieldGeneralization: NgDorfClassType

Classes assigned to the dorf-field, which stores one of the fields at a time.

Optional htmlField

htmlField: NgDorfClassType

Classes for the HTML control.

Optional label

Classes for a label.

Optional wrapper

Classes for wrapper, which groups all field elements (label, control, error).

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